Middle & Junior High Core Collection

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Middle & Junior High Core Collection, 16th ed.

ISBN: 978-1-63700-510-1
1,500 pages
Pub. Date: October 2023
Price: $295.00

Middle & Junior High Core Collection, 15th ed.

ISBN: 978-1-64265-805-7
1,000 pages
Pub. Date: February 2022
Price: $295.00
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Middle & Junior High Core Collection, (16th Edition, 2023) is a guide to over 11,000 fiction and nonfiction books recommended for children and young adolescents, grades five through nine. This volume is designed to address the unique needs of younger adolescent readers and help school media specialists and young adult librarians locate highly recommended titles to strengthen their collection.

New & Expanded Coverage

This new edition covers thousands of titles not previously included. It provides immediate access to the Most Highly Recommended and Core Collection level titles for middle school students and teachers. In addition, particular attention has been paid to developing areas of computers, math, and the sciences.

For many years, librarians have relied on Middle & Junior High Core Collection to help build their collection and for many other important uses:

  1. Purchasing & Title Selection. With easy access to price, ISBN and publisher information, selecting and ordering titles is quick and easy.
  2. User Service & Readers’ Advisory. Every title in this Core Collection is a recommended work of its kind and can be given with confidence to a student or teacher who expresses a need based on topic or genre.
  3. Curriculum Support. The indexing, annotations, and grade level designations are incredibly helpful in identifying materials for classroom use.
  4. Collection Development & Maintenance. This Core Collection identifies titles that are recommended to add, or keep, in a collection. This helpful insight helps facilitate decisions to rebind, replace, or discard items.
  5. Professional Development. This edition features library science titles specifically addressing collection development for this age group.

Bibliographic & Cataloging Data, Descriptions & Reviews

Individual entries provide a wealth of much-needed information at a glance.

  1. Complete Bibliographic & Cataloging Data
  2. Price, ISBN and Publisher Data make purchasing titles quick and easy
  3. Suggested Subject headings, Grade Level & Dewey Classification
  4. Content Descriptions & Quotations from Select Reviews are incredibly useful when evaluating books for selection and in determining which is best suited for the individual reader.
  5. Additional notes describe sequels and companion volumes, editions available, awards, and publication history.
  6. Starred listings highlight over 2,400 “Most Highly Recommended” titles

Easy-to-use Arrangement

  1. Nonfiction, provides immediate access to over 6,500 nonfiction titles, arranged by Dewey Decimal Classification.
  2. Fiction, arranged by author, recommends nearly 4,200 of the best fiction for young adolescent readers. This volume now includes graphic novels too!
  3. Story Collections, arranged by author, highlights over 100 of the best story collections for students in grades five through nine.

In-depth Indexing

An in-depth Author, Title, and Subject Index provide users with thousands of ways to navigate this rich collection of recommended titles. Whether searching by author, title or by one of the hundreds of subject areas found in the index, librarians can easily locate titles that will round out their collection.

The Middle & Junior High Core Collection is an essential resource for library and media specialists looking to enhance and enrich their collection with the most important and highly recommended titles currently available. No library media specialist should be without the helpful collection development and curriculum support guidance that this collection can provide.