Written for both general readers and researchers, this volume will be one of the most widely consulted works in your reference collection. The new Ninth Edition of Facts About the Presidents delivers comprehensive data about every American president, from George Washington onward, plus facts about the Executive Office itself.

This ambitious new work covers not just trivia but essentials, not just the familiar but also the little-known, not just the local but the global. "It is not a record of any one country’s 20th century, but of every country’s, and of the great worldwide events and trends that affected them all," promises the introduction.

With its rapidly growing economy and the world’s largest population, China is increasingly important on the international stage. Providing a wealth of information on every aspect of China in an easy-to-use, accessible format, this up-to-date, in-depth reference tool presents substantive essays about China.

Facts About American Immigration
Facts About American Immigration explores this extraordinary saga, focusing on who came to the U.S. and from where, their reasons for coming, the nature of their journey, and where they settled, starting with the earliest Americans, who crossed the Bering Land Bridge into Alaska between 12,000 and 15,000 B.C.

Facts About the World's Languages
The volume explores the structure, history and culture of 191 languages worldwide, with the aim of providing both the general public and linguistics experts with an authoritative source of rich, structured data on the world's major ethnolinguistic groups.