Reference Shelf: The Future of U.S. Economic Relations: Mexico, Cuba, and Venezuela

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ISBN: 978-0-8242-1214-8
200 pages
Pub. Date: June 2013
Price: $75.00

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This volume continues the series coverage of the National Debate Topic for the National Forensic League, the largest debate honor society in the country. Following the topic set by the league, the volume reveals the diversity of United States economic relations in Latin America, particularly given the different political conditions of many countries. Topics begin with a survey of perspectives on Latin American political, social, and economic life. Another chapter reviews the debates on the North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA), the single major economic policy in the Americas. News stories on Mexico, Cuba, and Venezuela reveal common concerns for fostering productive economies, while negotiating the complexities of politics. Cuba and Venezuela represent two of the most argued about nations in the hemisphere, while Mexico continues to serve as one of the most important economic partners for the United States.