5 Abridged Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature | HW Wilson

Abridged Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature

  1. Sample Pages
  2. Table of Contents

ISSN: 001-334X
Pub Date: March 2025
Two Quality Paperbacks, March & September
Annual Cumulation-Library Binding, January
Price: $295.00

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Broad, timely coverage of the 72 most popular general-interest periodicals.

The Abridged Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature provides a smaller, more affordable subset of Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature. It delivers comprehensive indexing of 72 of the most popular general-interest periodicals published in the United States and Canada. The index includes Subjects, Authors and plenty of Cross-References to make searching quick and easy. This edition features complete indexing of the most popular magazines in libraries today, as well as subscription information for each magazine indexed. Offers complete bibliographic information for each article cited.

Two paperbacks are delivered March to September and include 500 pages each. The cumulative library-bound annual, published each year in January, includes 1,000 pages.

Search methods include Subject Access, Author Access and Cross-References.