b'Magills Literary AnnualBUY THE CURRENT EDITION & GET FREE ONLINE ACCESS TO THE ARCHIVESThats 47 Years of Magills Literary Annual for the Price of One!When you purchase the current Magills Literary Annual, we provide access to 47 yearsof past Annuals. We even provide Cumulative Author and Title Indexes online for easieraccess to content. Thats over 9,050 reviews and essays on over four decades of themost important works of fiction and nonfiction. To make this vast collection available toyour students and patrons you need only purchase the latest edition.Each review begins with a block of referenceinformation in a standard order: Sample Essay-Review Full Book Title Author26 First Published Publisher andmedical appointment. At sixtyone years old, he thisdigMagils Literary Annual 2024seeks to immerse himself in the experience, to observe,ofdeeply, and live in the walkmonthType of work hisfurtherinwalking. Amid themoment for healing,offers a space ofpandemic, the own medicalwhich Kingescape, 25 current struggles.journeycanfreedom, weaves the personal and theRamblethewithAmerican Ramble Courtesy Mariner Books into thealongsidenationsTime: Period represented A Walk of Memory and Renewal Americanreckon byNeil King Jr. seeks personal healing, he also offers kernels of insightnationsAsinterits enduring truths. currentpublic.thusKing Author: Neil King Jr. (b. ca. 1960) Kings walk begins onafflictions andLocale Publisher: Mariner Books (New York).ofupbeautiful day in late March,Capitol Hill. On a Davis,Thomas Crawfords immense bronzealong Ninth Street, with the dome of the United Illustrated. 368 pp. tinationStates Type of work: History, memoir, travel tions.KingssideCapitol in view.the author Time: 2021 Kingthe Capitol,Soonwalks Capsule description of work Locales: Eastern United States, frompatriotismramblea place onafter the siege. Theenough, he is outStatue ofconsiders the dome andwhich toofsurveying the high fence put theof AbrahamStatue Washington, DC, to New York City long-servingLincoln, as hestatue as bothFreedom,Capitol dome, capped side the Capitol, Kingcongressmansought tomeditate onofbecomes the first desFreedom before hewhomaintain thethe nations contradicAmerican Ramble: A Walk of Memory andtendunfathomable number of deaths and an extended lockdown); urban riots following theandbecame theredolentthePrincipal characters or Principal personages Renewal is a meditative travelogue that re- murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis; and the January 6, 2021, insurrection that he confronts the events ofinfluenced theunion,persistence counts the authors experience of walkingwatched unfold in person. King comments, We absorb the unimaginable with aston outYet,president of thesymbolism ofof Jefferson 330 miles from his home on Capitol Hill inishing ease and move on.2020 andConfederacy.andCrawfords Courtesy HarperCollinsWashington, DC, to Manhattan, exploringabsorbing theStanding the nations past and present along the way. magnitude andevents and moving on is2021: the pandemic (with an To assist the reader further, essays are Principal personages City), no such clarity exists for the issues facing the United States. King does not preto bringramifications. Though n eilk ingj r ., the author and narrator, aallows the narrative to be carried forward by reflections about the sites and people he clairvoyance andKings walkdifferent from former journalist encounters on his journey, and through the seeming serendipity of the ramble he teasestheirout moments of insight. clarity to issueshas a cleargrappling with supplemented by a list of additional Review s amantha d orm , a historian and preservationist in York, Pennsylvaniak en k eeny , a Trump supporter from Pennsylvania As King walks, he seeks meaningful encounters with we, the people of the Unit he wheredestination ed States. He characterizes himself as an anywhere man, comfortable living on the m ichael h elfrich , the mayor of York, Pennsylvaniathere can be none. Instead, Sources for further study in a bibliographicl aul eVin , a historian who offers King a tour of Valley Forge (New York road and making connections in unfamiliar places. His worldly experience and life of p n , Kings guide to petroglyphs on the Susquehanna Rivertravel as a reporter for the Wall Street Journal have made him skilled at navigating and orrett t reese digging deeply into the diverse microcultures of people he meets along his route. In addition to connecting with others, he also seeks out opportunities for conversations Throughout the pages of American Ramble: A Walk of Memory and Renewal (2023), that can help him to better understand the nations mood. format. Every essay includes a sidebar offeringpolitical journalist Neil King Jr. offers a probing look at the diversity and division of the United States in his debut work. The year is 2021, and the nation is still reeling from the COVID19 pandemic and the 2020 presidential election, a time when the a brief biography of the author or authors.nations mood grew sour, aggrieved, vindictive, as King writes in his opening chapter. King seeks to give depth and philosophic reflection to the current sociopolitical context by offering an exploration of the history and prehistory of the United States through its physical and cultural landscape. In choosing to walk the 330 miles from Thumbnail photographs of the book covers andWashington, DC, to New York City, King thinks of this as a humdrum route, typically defined in the East Coast mentality by the busy hum of the Interstate-95 highway corridor. To most drivers along this route, the landscape is simply a blur along the side the authors are included when available. Plus,of the road, punctuated by major cities. Yet, as King patiently uncovers for his readers, this landscape offers the opportunity to revisit key moments of the nations historysites for reflection and exploration with great value to current struggles. Though perhaps humdrum to many, for King, this walk is also planned as a two indexes can be found at the end of volumesecular pilgrimage. Having completed two rounds of treatment for esophageal cancer, King sets out on the walk when he is in remission and has six months until his next II, a Category Index and an Author Index.H.W. Wilson844.630.6369www.hwwilsoninprint.com H.W. Wilson 844.630.6369 www.hwwilsoninprint.com 212024-318 HW Wilson Cat 2025.indd 21 2024-09-23 4:13PM'