b'Primary & Secondary Documents, Plus Carefully Edited Introductory Materials Help Students and Researchers The Reference ShelfNavigate Through These Important TopicsExploring Contemporary Issues with Selected Primary & Secondary Sources H EALTHC ONSPIRACIESHealth ConspiraciesAre there microchips in vaccines? Do cellphones cause cancer? Is the Food and Drug Administration hiding a secret cure for cancer? More than half of Americans believe at least one conspiracy theory regarding the healthcare system, and this misinformation reflects the inherent incompatibility of managing public welfare through a system designed to generate profit. This issue of The Reference Shelf looks at the origin and impact of healthcare conspiracies in America. New!APRIL 2025 One Volume; 200 Pages ISBN: 979-8-89179-318-7 List Price: $75National Debate Topic, 2025-2026Exploring Contemporary Issues with Selected Primary & Secondary Sources Each year since 1925, students from around the country engage in debates informed by theN ATIONALD EBATET OPIC2025/2026 National Forensic Leagues (NFL) yearly national debate topic. Subjects under consideration for this years debate topic include the Arctic Region, U.S. Engagement with India, American Military Presence Overseas, Recognition of Emerging Nation States, and Defense Cooperation with South Asia. Through samples of the best and most recent journalism and popular writing on the chosen topic, The Reference Shelf provides an essential guide for students, teachers, and others interested in taking a deeper look at some of the most pressing and popular controversies in thisNew!current moment of American history.JUNE 2025 One Volume; 200 Pages ISBN: 979-8-89179-319-4 List Price: $75Immigration & Border Control in the 21 STCentury Exploring Contemporary Issues with Selected Primary & Secondary Sources I MMIGRATION& B ORDERMigration caused by climate change and political instability has driven thousands from theirC ONTROL IN THE21 STC ENTURYhomes across North and South America, resulting in an unprecedented number of individuals seeking to cross the border into the United States. The United States, wealthier and with plentiful labor available, still remains a key location for the displaced and desperate. Some sanctuary cities that initially welcomed immigrants did not have enough resources to house the influx of people and had to ask for more resources from the federal government to accommodate them. This issue of The Reference Shelf looks at the debate over policing the nations borders and weighs efforts toNew!address migration as a problem against the exploitation of border fears as a political tactic.AUGUST 2025 One Volume; 200 Pages ISBN: 979-8-89179-320-0 List Price: $75Space Exploration Exploring Contemporary Issues with Selected Primary & Secondary Sources S PACEE XPLORATIONSpace may offer hope for the future of humanity in the form of unexplored resources and scientific secrets, but humanity has only begun to scratch the surface of this frontier. In the 2020s, space science is being driven less by scientific exploration and more by tech company entrepreneurs, who are changing the way that space science develops and evolves. This issue of The Reference Shelf looks at the state of space exploration in the 21st century and explores a variety of views about how space science and exploration could and should evolve in the future. OCTOBER 2025 One Volume; 200 Pages ISBN: 979-8-89179-321-7 List Price: $75 New!Representative American Speeches, 2024-2025In this annual issue, we look at some of the best, most impactful, and most uplifting speechesExploring Contemporary Issues with Selected Primary & Secondary Sources from 2024 to 2025. Ranging from politicians to political activists to celebrities, this issue of TheR EPRESENTATIVEReference Shelf provides a unique record of American culture during the year as seen throughA MERICANS PEECHES2024-2025 the eyes of some of the nations most important public figures. With an eye toward encompassing a diversity of perspectives, these speeches help provide a glimpse of Americans thoughts and attitudes on the years most important stories. DECEMBER 2025 One Volume; 200 Pages ISBN: 979-8-89179-322-4 List Price: $75New!H.W. Wilson844.630.6369www.hwwilsoninprint.com H.W. Wilson 844.630.6369 www.hwwilsoninprint.com 132024-318 HW Wilson Cat 2025.indd 13 2024-09-23 4:13PM'