b'American Game ChangersAmerican Game Changers:Invention, Innovation & TransformationAmerican Game Changers chronicles the people, ideas, and events that have changed the way the world works. From innovators and entrepreneurs to the groundbreaking events, ideas, and technologies that have changed the rules of the game, it includes nearly 500 entries designed to inform, enlighten, and educate.Coverage is broad, ranging from the late 20th century to the present, to give students and researchers in-depth information on the thought leaders, innovators and transformative events across a broad spectrum of American life.Readers will find information on pivotal events, innovators in arts and music, sports figures, business leaders, technology companies, political movements and leaders, scientists, environmentalists, inventors, educators, entrepreneurs, engineers, and so much more.First EditionHere is just a small sampling of the transformative events and gameAPRIL 2020changing individuals profiled in these pages: One Volume; 1,000 pagesISBN: 978-1-64265-260-4 Steve JobsApollo 11 List Price: $195 9/11Cell phones Personal DNA testsArtificial Intelligence Jeff BezosRise of music and videoBlack Lives Matter streaming services Oprah WinfreyInvention of Prozac #MeTooMTV and the music video Invention of the ATMSocial media influencers Madonna24-hour news cycles Print Purchase Includes Offshore workforce FREE ONLINE ACCESSEach essay begins with valuable data including category, industry affected, and wider impact. Biographies include relevant personal information and details about how the individual changed the game. Other essays focus on the development and implementation of a technology or idea. All entries include sources for further reading. Many entries include photos and illustrations.Back matter includes several valuable finding guides, including a chronology of events, category index, and a name index.This resource is designed to highlight human achievement at its pinnacle and serve as an inspiration for the next generation of game changers to come.These profiles of significant human achievement will enrich the collections of high schools, colleges, and public libraries ofall sizes.H.W. Wilson844.630.6369www.hwwilsoninprint.com H.W. Wilson 844.630.6369 www.hwwilsoninprint.com 21'